Recipe:Vegan minced meats and green bean with chili sauce

Vegan minced meats and green bean with chili sauce


  • 200G of Vegan Conditioning Vegetarian Pulp
  • 2 stalks of coriander(chopped)
  • 6 slices of ginger
  • 1200g Green bean


  • 2 tbsp of soybean sauce paste
  • 2 tsp of sesame oil
  • 1 tbsp of hot water
  • 1/4 tsp of sugar
  • a little spicy soybean paste
  • 1/2 cup of corn flour water (Corn flour:water= 1:1)

Cooking Method:

  1. Peal the head and tail of the green beans and cut them into sections. Then boil them and chill in cold for later use.
  2. Sauté the ginger flake until fragrant, then add the Ruzhai Vegan conditioning vegetarian pulp to stir-fry until brown, then add spicy soybean paste, Finally put corn flour water, bring to a boil then set.
  3. Spread the green beans on plate, pour over the vegan meat sauce, sprinkle with coriander then serve.

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