Braised Tomato Assorted Pot Material (Vegetarianism)

Braised Tomato Assorted Pot Material (Vegetarianism)

SKU: JC-H0017 Category:
consumer 1. Soup base, hot food, hot pot, exclusive, reunion, everyone is suitable!
2. After thawing, heat it up and boil it for more than 10 minutes. It can also be used as a hot pot soup base, adding fresh vegetables or ingredients according to personal preference.
Dealer 1 School vegetarian lunch
2 group meal
3 Temple worship
4 Tables for celebrations and funerals
5 Mass sales and purchase
6 Vegetarian shop
7 buffet
8 Major supermarket chains
9 breakfast shop
10 Traditional market
Dinning room Assorted pots for one to four people.
Help you save the trouble of which pot to choose.
Vegetarian category



1200g x 12入

